
Our Strategy

We have a purpose-driven ambition. We are developing an actionable strategy that delivers shareholder value built around innovation, research and development. Our ability to deliver against our priorities depends on our distinctive capabilities as entrepreneurs. We aim to create innovative and advanced technology to support our discoveries while also develop and maintain strong relationships with governments and partners to build a viable commercial pipeline.

The world of energy faces tough challenges in the decades ahead, particularly shifting our dependency on fossil fuels and meeting increasing demand with less environmental impact. We believe that only through radical innovation and technology we can transform the energy industry, discovering new sustainable methods to generate energy.

Operational Excellence

Our leadership combines entrepreneurial and corporate experience. We aim run as a start-up, with the operational experience of a Fortune 500 company. We want the highest possible standards in our operations to realize sustainable performance and growth, while allowing our team to take measured risks and follow unconventional approaches.

Long term priorities

While we are focusing on short/mid-term solutions, we have identified a number of long-term priorities which reflect and are consistent with the changes under way at a global level. We believe that the fulfilment of our core vision, to provide the energy people need in a reliable and sustainable way, and the delivery of shareholder value, requires us to maintain a long-term view and clear long-term priorities across all aspects of our business.


Low cost or potentially free energy solutions have wider implications. Our objectives are to be a safe, efficient, responsible and profitable business that focuses on energy as a supporter to improve people's lives.